TIC-MS, Inc.
The Instrumentation Center - Metrology Services 

11692 Lilburn Park Rd. St. Louis, Mo  63146

Phone:    1-314-432-3633

Fax: 1-314-432-3773


Email: ticms@ticms.com

Placing Orders 

To place an order, fill out the form below.  Right Click on the page and print a copy for yourself.  Then click on the "Send Order" button at the bottom of the form. (* - indicates required fields)

Order Result of RFQ? (Yes/No)
If Yes , enter RFQ Number
In Plant Required? (Yes/No)
If No, how will items arrive at lab?
Have you faxed RFQ ? (Yes/No)
If No, have you faxed a list of equipment? (Yes/No)
Will You Supply Acceptance Criteria?
If No, who will supply?
Level of Documentation Required
If Other, Explain
Your Company Name     *

Street Address      *
City      *
State     *
Zip Code      *
Phone      *
Email      *
Reply Contact Name
Mail stop, Department, or Other Specific Address Information
Purchase Order # for this order     *